Recognizing High Vibe Beauty Businesses!

Aloha! Being an expert in the sunless industry we have relationships with so many amazing boss babes!! 

I am blown away with some of these boss babes taking over the industry! Here at BB we created an HighVibe Beauty Business Award to promote and recognize some of the Master Spray Tan Artist & Sunless Brands we LOVE to follow and support.

What makes a HighVibe Business such to receive this award?

We notice the hard work, drive, and trajectory of special boss babes. We have individuals and groups that inspire us DAILY! 

Being High Vibe is what I call living your authentic truth no matter if people agree! It’s so attractive to see someone living & working passionately! We have our eyes on shining brands, being newbies and experts, that we are so impressed with. 

If you want to recognize someone for an amazing journey please send us an email!! As the Founder here at BBronzie, I can’t get enough High Vibe Babes in my collection! 

You all inspire me daily! 


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